Son of Hollywood by Alex Gildzen!

"In memory of Capitol, Lincoln, and Rivoli, movie houses of Elyria, all gone," Son of Hollywood is a delicious romp through decades of the Big Screen, Hollywood fantasies, and the musings of a true cinephile.
Of Son of Hollywood, Gildzen writes
"Alex Gildzen has been writing about Hollywood almost as long as he's been writing. He's has never had a Hollywood address until recently when he purchased his "final resting place" around the corner from Rudolph Valentino at Hollywood Forever, the cemetery next to Paramount Studios. If you like these poems he invites you to visit his spot (Cathedral Mausoleum, Corridor Valentino 2, Tier 5, Niche 7) and kiss his glass.
when I bought my niche
at Hollywood Forever
I was told
they regularly remove
lipstick from Valentino's crypt
most men don't wear lipstick
so the glass on my niche
will be easier
to maintain
Other poems include "Upon Jayne Mansfield's Head," "Reading Hafiz in Billie Dove's Bedroom on a Rainy Morning," "Carol Landis Come Rest Yr Head on my Lap," and "If I Cd Be Joan Blondell for a Day."
Alex Gildzen was born in Monterey, California, in 1943, and grew up in Elyria, Ohio. For many years he was curator of Special Collections at Kent State University Libraries, where he edited the d. a. levy issue of The Serif. He now lives in Palm Springs, California. For the past half-century, his poems have been appearing in such periodicals as Rolling Stone, The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle, After Dark, Hanging Loose, and MiPOesias. Collections have come from Abraxas Press, Ghost Dance Press, North Atlantic Books, Viscerally Press, Green Panda Press, and Crisis Chronicles Press. Son of Hollywood is his third book from NightBallet Press. Find his blog at Arroyo Chamisa.

Son of Hollywood is 64 pages long and contains 39 poems and 4 full-color photos. The cover is a pale ivory cardstock with a robin's egg blue cardstock insert. The cover photo is of a younger Alex caught on film in his own life's movie. The text is printed on creamy, textured pale ivory paper. Rub elbows with the stars as you read the poems in Son of Hollywood! Get your copy today for only $15 plus $4 postage/handling.