Packaged in a textured white cover with a heavy, deep olive green cardstock insert, and printed on creamy soft-white cotton paper, The Eater of the Absurd makes a striking statement of (in John Burroughs' own words) "pleasure, pain, and deprogramming."
To celebrate the publication of The Eater of the Absurd, NightBallet Press is honored to join with Suzanne DeGaetano and Mac's Backs Books on Coventry to present A Book Release Party with Burroughs, de Blas & Borsenik tonight, Wednesday evening 12-12-12, in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. You can view the event page HERE The festivities will commence promptly at 7pm, with NBP editor Dianne Borsenik reading from her own new chap of poems, Fortune Cookie, recently published by Kattywompus Press. Bonné de Blas will read from her (excellent) new NBP chap The Act of Dwelling. And then John Burroughs will present poems from The Eater of the Absurd, some of which he's never read in public before (even this editor hasn't heard him read them aloud). Open mic will follow the features. And there will be refreshments- wine, cheese, crackers, and maaaaaybeee even Christmas cookies!
Please plan on joining us for what promises to be an unforgettable evening of unrestrained grooviness!

Book Release Party with Burroughs, de Blas, & Borsenik
Mac's Backs Books on Coventry
1820 Coventry Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Wednesday December 12, 2012 at 7pm (that's 12-12-12!)