Friday, April 6, 2018


Today is a very special day in the NightBallet universe: Today, we get to celebrate National Poetry Month with a Release, a Reading and a Reception!

We are ecstatic to announce the publication and release of a new collection of poems by John Burroughs, Loss and Foundering!

Loss and Foundering contains poems written by John Burroughs during the past nine turbulent years of his life. Confessional and raw, these poems reveal a heart both broken and healing through the power of love.

Diane Kendig, author of Prison Terms (Main Street Rag, 2018), writes:

"And while the poet is experiencing all these losses and his 'bark founders,' ... his poetry boat stays afloat ... to the fantastic music of puns, echo puns, rhyme and chime and rhythm."

Alex Gildzen, author of The Arrow That Is Hollywood Pierces the Soul That Is Me (2011) and Son of Hollywood (2018), writes:

"John Burroughs finds himself in a 'city of lost places.' that means he discovers himself living there but it also means that in that living he finds himself. by allowing us to follow him we recognize our losses & learn their light."

Loss and Foundering contains 36 pages of 24 poems. Front cover artwork is a collage, "Ohm 10.26.17" by Bree, enhanced with raindrops by Dianne Borsenik with Photo Lab PRO.The cover card stock is a linen-textured, pale dove gray, and the card stock insert is a deep royal blue. The poems are printed on a crisp white paper.

To buy Loss and Foundering, you may use the Buy Now button to order directly from the press, or you contact John Burroughs through his website for a signed copy. The cost is $10 plus $3 shipping, U.S. customers only. For outside the U.S., please contact the editor at for shipping charges.



John Burroughs is a dynamic, nationally-touring poet and performer from the Cleveland area, and is the author of a dozen-plus books, including Beat Attitude and The Eater of the Absurd, both from NightBallet Press. In various past lives, he served as playwright-in-residence for the Ministry of Theatre at Marion Correctional Institution, his blog was ranked #1 on MySpace, he won the first poetry slam he competed in, and he cofounded the infamous Lix & Kix Poetry Extravaganza reading series and the almost-annual Snoetry: A Winter Wordfest. He is probably most proud of his work since 2008 as the founding editor of Crisis Chronicles Press. Learn more at Crisis Chronicles.


                          THE RECEPTION, THE READING, THE RELEASE


Loss and Foundering makes its debut at the Appletree Books Reading and Reception this evening (Friday, April 6, 2018) at 6 pm, with John Burroughs present to sign his books.

Appletree Books
12419 Cedar Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH

The Reception celebrates National Poetry Month, and honors NightBallet Press for decorating Appletree's two front windows with eleven NBP titles (all by Ohioan or former Ohioan poets). The theme of the window dressing is "Poetry Is SO Succulent!" and will remain in place during the entire month of April.

The Reading highlights NightBallet Press poets, and we are OVER THE MOON to feature three fantastic poets, Rikki Santer, Steve Abbott, and Chuck Salmons. Huge thanks to these poets for graciously consenting to make the trek from Columbus, Ohio, to Cleveland for the event. They will be reading and signing their books between 6 pm and 8 pm, and we invite you to join us - the event is free and open to the public!
Books featured in the windows include Toledo-area poets Jonie McIntire and Kerry Trautman, Columbus-area poets Pat Hurley, Steve Abbott, Rikki Santer, and Chuck Salmons, former Clevelanders Alex Gildzen and M. J. Arcangelini, and Cleveland poets Christine Howey, Margie Shaheed, and John Burroughs. Cover art by former Clevelander Bree and Ohioan Kevin Eberhardt are featured.

Many thanks to Lynn Quintrell and Jane Rothstein for inviting NBP to decorate the windows at Appletree Books, and for giving us the privilege of not only attending tonight's Reception, but for allowing us to have John Burroughs' book release and signing in the bookstore. You know you rock!

NightBallet Press is grateful to all its poets, wingmen, readers, supporters, and friends for the opportunities given it to publish and promote the wonderful world of poetry. Hugs!



Geoffrey A. Landis said...

I mentioned the book and dropped a link at clevelandpoetics:

John B. Burroughs said...

Thank you so much, Geoff!

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