
Friday, January 2, 2015

Beginning of the Year Address: Updates and Upcoming!


Hello dear friends, and welcome to NightBallet's Beginning of the Year Address!  We've turned over the last calendar page of 2014 and begun a brand-new year.  These are exciting times here at NightBallet Press, and it's all because of YOU!                  
We are very pleased and extremely honored to announce that Pittsburgh Magazine's January 2015 issue contains an article by Kris Collins about the five Pittsburgh titles NBP released back in summer of 2014:

NB Publishes the Work of 5 Local Poets by Kris Collins (Pittsburgh Magazine-Jan 2015 issue)

The five Pittsburgh poets are Jason Baldinger, Jason Irwin, Karen Lillis, Heather McNaugher, and Nikki Allen.  Check it out!  Thank you Kris Collins for the great article, and thank you Karen Lillis for suggesting these books for review to Kris!


Four poems from The Paul Simon Project by Karen Lillis are featured in Fusion Magazine: HERE


We've had a lot of great reviews (will post more as I find them in my emails):

Review of Irwin's Where You Are by CL Bledsoe (Revolution John Magazine)

Review of Lillis' The Paul Simon Project by Michael Fournier (Cabildo Quarterly)

Review of Litzky's Jerry in the Bardo by Mindy Kronenberg (Mom Egg Review)

Review of Burroughs' The Eater of the Absurd by Kristin D. Scott (Knot Magazine)

Our books now appear as part of the permanent collections in both the Ohioana Library (Columbus, OH), and the Lockwood Library (University of Buffalo).   


Big congrats to Margie Shaheed, who has sold over 800 copies of her chapbook Mosaic!  NightBallet Press first published Mosaic in May of 2013, and Margie has ordered at least 40 copies a month since then, spreading her poetry throughout Ohio, Tennessee, and New York.  I wish we could bottle her magic!

NightBallet Press now uses a local professional print shop for our covers, Elyria Print and Copy LLC, instead of a big-box store's printing services.  We are getting more personalized service, and the print jobs are consistently excellent.  I strongly urge you to use small-business services wherever possible; they are unbeatable and invaluable!


We've had a lot of outside individual orders for titles, and we've had a lot of orders for reprints. This means our poets are out there doing readings and advertising their product.  I've been very busy doing the actual printing, which has slowed down my working on new titles.  But the upswing of it is that more and more people are buying NBP titles, and we are succeeding in getting the Poetry Word out there!

Thank you, thank you, to all the wonderful people who have made this past year a huge success:  you, the poets who have entrusted me with your fine...nay, outstanding!, and you, the (obviously discriminating!) readers who have supported us through buying books and attended featured readings by NBP authors.  A big thank you to the artists and photographers who have given us permission to use your work on our covers and helped to make us look so classy.  A bear hug and thank you to you who have sent donations to support the press throughout this past year...I appreciate you, from the bottom of my heart.


We've had several inquiries about one-year subscriptions, so as a SPECIAL THANK YOU for your support, I am making the NightBallet Press Season Four titles available to you as a one-year subscription for only $100.00 (one hundred dollars).  For this one-time payment of one hundred dollars, you will receive a copy of each and every NBP title, as they are published, between September 2014 and September 2015, including the Lipsmack! anthology to be published in September 2015.  This will include the already-published George Wallace's Riding with Boom Boom and Russ Green's Gimme Back My Radio (published Oct 2014), plus brand new books (scheduled) by

Lyn Lifshin,
RA Washington,
Alan Catlin,
Geoffrey Landis,
Mary Turzillo,
Andy Roberts,
Kathleen Cerveny,
Connie Everett,
Margie Shaheed,
Marisa Moks-Unger,
Steve Brightman,
John Burroughs,
Jake St. John,

and who knows who else!  Postage is included with this special offer.  Many of these books will be selling individually for $10 plus $4 shipping/handling, so you can see where the savings can be had in purchasing a one-year subscription.  I guarantee your money's worth!  The subscription button appears at the top of the right column.  (Please inquire if you wish a subscription to any previous year, and I'm sure we can work it out.)

If you know of any reviews I've missed or special events I should report, please let me know at  Thank you thank you thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I can't wait to see what this year has in store!