
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Comets, Moons, & Congrats, O My—NBP Presents J.E. Stanley!

Big congratulations to J. E. Stanley—his poem "Random Facts About Halley's Comet" has been nominated for the Science Fiction Poetry Association's prestigious Rhysling Award!  This is his sixth nomination for the Rhysling, and NightBallet Press wishes him all the best this year.  You have our votes!

It just so happens that J. E.'s brand new chapbook, Selected Regions of the Moon, features that very poem, "Random Facts About Halley's Comet", as its centerfold... and NightBallet Press is extremely pleased to announce the publication of this chap!

Officially published on February 15, 2013—International Asteroid & Meteorite Day  (aka "Duck and Cover Day")—Selected Regions of the Moon is released today 03-03-13 for public consumption.

(NBP wishes to thank poet J. E. Stanley for being incredibly patient through interminable delays in the actual printing of all the copies of his chap.  NBP is now back on track and back in business!) 

Selected Regions of the Moon is a speculative fiction (think "science fiction") themed chap, and many of the poems in the chap speak of the Moon, asteroids, apocalypse, and a universe that's somehow...different... from the one we know.  In J. E. Stanley's masterful hands, these poems of speculation and science become exotic moonflowers that open just for us, drawing us in with their alien and elusory scent.  Once you've traveled into these pages, you won't want to come back to Earth!

J. E. Stanley is an accomplished poet, and has been widely published in both genre and mainstream journals and anthologies.  He is author of Dark Intervals (vanZeno Press), Dissonance (Deep Cleveland Press), Rapid Eye Movement (Crisis Chronicles Press), and co-author, with Joshua Gage, of Intrinsic Night (Sam's Dot Publishing- you'll need to scroll down the page quite a bit at the Sam's Dot site).  His work has appeared in Amaze, Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Cinema Spec, the Deep Cleveland Junkmail Oracle, Paper Crow, The Rhysling Anthology, Scifaikuest, Sein und Werden, Star*Line, Sybil's Garage, and numerous others.  "An accountant and on again/off again guitarist from the grayscale suburban wilderness of northeastern Ohio, he continues to assert that, winged or not, Man was always meant to fly; the moon and stars were just put there as incentives."

Selected Regions of the Moon contains 32 poems and scifaiku, and is 40 pages long.  Housed in thick creamy ivory cardstock with a moon-gray cardstock insert and printed on soft ivory paper, it features stunning cover art by Lady Smith.  The photo used is from a series of photos of a collage piece she's working on entitled, aptly, "Moon".  Lady explains " as it means something about the power of the feminine spirit via the moon & sparkling illumination. The light bulb shape is from packaging from an LED bulb. Also have a feather in there representing a bird as participant, protagonist, observer of light or primary character. The texture on it is partially made up of leaves in order to bring more of Nature into the piece."

This chap is available beginning right now here on the NightBallet Press website, with  the easy payment of $5 plus $3 shipping and handling through PayPal, or you can see the poet and obtain (if you're reeeeeally niiiiice to him) a signed copy at the Deep Cleveland reading next Friday night (March 8, 2013).  One way or another, get a copy of Selected Regions of the Moon, and begin your journey into Stanley's Universe!