
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

John Dorsey has White Girl Problems!

Celebrated poet John Dorsey has White Girl Problems... that's right, his 25th chapbook is officially published TODAY!
NightBallet Press is extremely pleased to present White Girl Problems, a 36 page chap of poetry and short stories by the one and only John Dorsey, featuring a stunning cover photo by Chandra Alderman, and a great bio photo by Casey Rearick (who has a talent for capturing delightful and insightful pix of fellow poets and local scenes).

(This is the first NBP cover by Ohioan Chandra Alderman, who contributed several timely pieces to Buzzkill: Apocalypse. You can look forward to more of her beautiful photos in and on upcoming NBP books!)

White Girl Problems features a mix of provocative poetry and short fiction, with stories told the way only John Dorsey can tell them.  You won't want to miss out on his tribute poems to Scott Wannberg and Kell Robertson.  And I promise: you'll not be able to put this book down until you finish the stories about Felix Pepperdine's exploits.  This book rocks with a blend of sex, wistfulness, humor, irony, and tender beauty. 

James Borsenik read White Girl Problems last night and said "Far-fucking-out... he's the real thing!"

You can order White Girl Problems right here on this website, or you can order through Amazon.  And of course, you can always attend one of John's readings and get the book directly from the poet's hand!  Get your copy today!

Order here!