
Monday, May 28, 2012


NightBallet Press has been busy this merry month of May!  Here's a promised NEWS UPDATE:

Lyn Lifshin's new book of poems, Knife Edge & Absinthe- The Tango Poems, is the first full-length book of poems we're publishing (60 pages), and with 54 tango poems included, it's a fantastic read. The only reason it's not out already is that we're waiting on an ISBN and bar code.  (I'd love to be able to have those for EVERY publication we do, but it's simply not feasible financially.  Yet.)  As soon as those are in place, we'll be formally announcing publication.  The book ROCKS.  You can preorder your copy through PayPal right here on this website.  Lyn says anticipation is very high, and we already have a reviewer, as well.  There will be a limited number of copies, so don't wait to order!

Next up, a double lovesmack of poetry from revered poet Russell Salamon, whose chap Black Rainbow: All the Colors are Still There is next in the queue, and from Buzzkill: Apocalypse- An End of the World Anthology, due out June 21st.  Buzzkill will also be a full-length NightBallet publication, and it's going to be the longest one yet, at a staple-busting 72 pages!  We cannot tell you how much fun it's been, working with over 40 different poets and photographers to bring the end of the world to you!

Since NightBallet wants to keep on schedule with Lyn's book, Russell's book, and the promised publication date of June 21-Summer Solstice for the Buzzkill anthology, NBP won't be getting out to as many local poetry readings for the next few weeks.  But you can still get your poetry buzz on by ordering NightBallet chaps through PayPal right here on this site.  Stock up for summer!  Poetry's the PERFECT thing to read while you're sitting by the pool, resting from the mowing, chilling on the patio... ;)