
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pushcart Prize nominee announced!

NightBallet Press is extremely pleased and proud to announce the Pushcart Prize nominee for work published in 2011. Chansonette Buck and her chapbook blood oranges has been nominated.  Congratulations to this fine poet!

Chansonette Buck spent her childhood “on the road” as stepdaughter of a Black Mountain poet, living all over the American West, in England, and in Spain. She holds a PhD in English from the University of California, Berkeley, where she concentrated on 20th-century poetry and poetics and wrote a dissertation on childhood trauma as the source for William Carlos Williams's poetic obsessions. She has a BFA in painting from Massachusetts College of Art, and has won awards for her visual art, her poetry, and her teaching. Chapters of her memoir Unnecessary Turns: Growing Up Beat have appeared in Why We Ride: Women Writers on the Horses in Their Lives (Seal Press, May 2010) and Polarity, and several poems have been accepted for publication over the next year. blood oranges is her first chapbook. Crisis Chronicles Press will be publishing her second chapbook, desire lines, in early 2012.

blood oranges is available for $5 plus $2 shipping and handling from NightBallet Press. Pay online with PayPal: